I’m from Chicago.
It’s a city that is not without the influence of organized
crime. Maybe you’ve heard.
When a legitimate business gets profitable, the mafia gets
interested. They move in on that business, squeeze it for “protection” money or
even take it over completely. The mafia isn't keen on doing any real, honest work, themselves, but they won’t
hesitate to steal from those who do some.
Starting in 1980, when I received my Fencing Master Diploma
from Maitre Jean-Jacques Gillet’s American Fencing Academy, and certification from the now-defunct
US Academy of Arms, and continuing
for all the years I was a member of the NFCAA – now the USFCA – I lobbied for
them to recognize, preserve and promote classical fencing (which was then known
simply as correct fencing!) as well
as other weapons such as the rapier, the smallsword and the longsword.
For several decades the USFCA (and it’s Tweedle-dum twin the
USFA) derided, denigrated, dismissed, disparaged, trivialized and insulted classical fencing, and sneered at the very notion that
fencing as a martial art could even exist. In their “coaches college” only the
three “modern” weapons used in competition were considered, solely and
exclusively, with Olympic gold medals the be-all and end-all of their efforts. The
USFCA is aptly named: The United States Fencing COACHES’ Association.
They are coaches training people to win at a competitive sport. They are not fencing masters, at least
not by the definition I was taught:
one who had the skill, knowledge and spirit to teach any person the correct use of any sword for any purpose. A fencing
master may sometimes function in the role of coach. But being a coach does not make
you a fencing master.
Over that same period of time, the “sport” of fencing devolved
into a meaningless and graceless game of electronic tag, bearing utterly no
resemblance to a “frank and courteous encounter” (a duel, that is), and played
by rude, screaming narcissists, for whom real fencers have long since grown
weary of apologizing. Thankfully, the numbers involved in this game are
starting to dwindle. With luck, it will cease to exist at all.
Meanwhile, Classical Fencing and “Historical European
Martial Arts,” (HEMA) have found something of a niche, and that niche is
growing. Clearly these people are
looking for something that the “Olympic fencing” game of poke-and-hope does not
provide --- and they are willing to
invest a fair amount of money in this pursuit. They are willing to pay for
equipment, and they are willing to pay for instruction.
Naturally, overnight “masters” spring up like mushrooms ---
or actually, more like “10th Degree Supreme Ultimate Grand Masters,”
first in karate, then kung fu, then ninjitsu, then hapkido, then aikido, in
accordance with what was featured in the latest, most popular action movie. (All
the same guys, mind you. Only the sign in the dojo window changed.)
And, naturally, now that there’s money to be had, the USFCA
is suddenly interested.
Now, out of the blue,
with no history of any prior involvement in, or support of classical
fencing or HEMA, the USFCA, like the mafia (only without the accents and the
snappy clothes), wants to take them over and siphon off whatever profits there
are to be had from the people who have rightfully earned them, to distribute
amongst their own pompous, plagiaristic and self-aggrandizing chosen few. They thus anoint themselves as the
arbiter of who is or isn’t “certified” to teach, form a committee for that
purpose and bestow lofty titles on themselves – all with no demonstration of
any expertise in the subject whatsoever.
Make no mistake, their next step is obvious: they will deride,
denigrate, dismiss, disparage, trivialize
and insult all those who do not possess USFCA certification, and they
will try to convince the public (that is, the market) that those not
blessed with the USFCA nod are incompetent charlatans who will put little Tom
and Suzie in peril of life and limb.
But it isn’t just about money.
It’s also about ego, power and, above all, CONTROL.
The USFCA, like an abusive spouse, craves control over every thought, word and
deed. Without that control, they
might be seen for what they are, as would the once beautiful and noble “sport”
of fencing which they enthusiastically helped to ruin.
Classical Fencing and Olympic fencing, you see, are not
two variations on the same theme, like two different flavors of ice cream. They
are not
different “styles” of fencing. (The former is fencing, the latter is not. What it is, I’ll leave it to you to figure out).
Classical Fencing and the “sport” called fencing are, in
fact, diametrically opposed and mutually contradictory both technically and
How could the organization that has led the charge against Classical Fencing for so long, now represent classical
fencing? It’s preposterous. Far be
it from me to suggest that the USFCA would know ethical conduct if they stepped
in it, but is there not just a teensie-weensie bit of conflict of interest here? Is the fox really qualified to certify
the security guards for the henhouse?
Those of us who are professional fencing masters, who make
our living teaching the true art, science and spirit of the sword, would be
well advised to wear wreaths of garlic around our necks to keep the USFCA at
bay until we can find out where they sleep during the day and stake them firmly
down in the coffin of absolute irrelevance they so deserve.
We need USFCA "certification" like a swimmer needs an anvil. What we could use is a loose association of independent professional
fencing masters who can agree on what a fencing master is and what you have to do, know and be, to be recognized as one by the rest of us. That’s assuming that there actually are enough professional fencing masters
out there to fill one of the larger booths at Denny’s. Personally, I can count the ones I know
of on one hand, and still have enough fingers left to deal off the bottom of
the deck. But you have to start someplace.
It would certainly be better than allowing the mafia to muscle in and take