The cybernetic man is almost exclusively cerebrally
oriented: he is a monocerebral man. His approach to the world around him - and
to himself - is intellectual; he wants to know what things are, how they
function and how they can be constructed or manipulated.
This approach has been
fostered by science, and it has become dominate since the end of the middle
ages. It is the very essence of modern progress, the basis of the technical
domination of the world and of mass consumption.
Is there anything ominous about
this orientation? Indeed it might seem that this aspect of 'progress' is not
ominous, were it not for some worrisome facts.
In the first place this
"monocerebral" orientation is by no means only to be found in those
who are engaged in scientific work; it is common to a vast part of the
population: clerical workers, salesmen, engineers, physicians, managers and
especially many intellectuals and artists - in fact, one may surmise, to most
of the urban population. They all approach the world as a conglomerate of
things to be understood in order to be used effectively.
Second, and not less
important, this cerebral-intellectual approach goes together with the absence
of an affective response. One might say feelings have withered, rather than
that they are repressed; inasmuch as they are alive they are not cultivated,
and are relatively crude; they take on the form of passions, such as the
passion to win, to prove superior to others, to destroy, or the excitement in
sex, speed, and noise.
One further factor must be added. The monocerebral man
is characterized by another very significant feature: a special kind of
narcissism that has as its object itself - his body and his skill - in brief,
himself as an instrument of success. The monocerebral man is so much a part of
the machinery he has built, that his machines are just as much the object of
his narcissism as he is himself; in fact, between the two exist a kind of
symbiotic relationship: the union of one individual self with another (or any
other power outside of the own self) in such a way as to make each lose the
integrity of its own self and to make them dependent on each other. In a
symbolic sense it is not nature any more that is man's mother but the
"second nature" he has built, the machines that nourish and protect
Another feature of the cybernetic man - his tendancy to behave in a
routinized, stereotyped, and unspontaneous manner - is to be found in a more
drastic form in many schizophrenic obsessional stereotypes.
-- Erich Fromm, The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness