Sunday, September 7, 2014

Hero Homework #1

Strengthening Your Hero Muscles
If you want to get strong enough to lift 500lbs, you don’t start out by trying to lift 500lbs. You start out with, say, 50lbs. And add 1lb every day. Little by little, you grow stronger.
Moral strength works the same way. You start by doing relatively “light” lifting, progressing gradually doing a little more each day.
Here’s your first “hero workout.” It’s simple, easy, and painless. It might even be fun.
1a. Practice greeting people with “good morning” or “good afternoon” or “good evening” and call them by name, if you know their name.  If you don’t know their name, use something like “sir” or “ma’am.” If the person is a friend, you may use their first name. Shake hands whenever possible. Most people in this culture will shake your hand if you offer it.
This exercise cultivates the habit of seeing and acknowledging others, and even making a physical connection with them.

1b . Find as many opportunities as possible to say “please” and “thank you” to as many people as you can. And when people say “thank you” to you, be sure to say “you’re welcome.” Again, whenever you can, shake hands.
This exercise cultivates the habit of appreciating others and expressing that appreciation to them.

Both these exercises cultivate your independence and autonomy.

Concentrate on this for a week. How do people respond to it? 


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